Rhodiola Rosea as a nootropic | Benefits, uses & side effects
Nothing is more important than our health and well-being. Taking supplements can be a great way to help us maintain that health.
If you’re taking supplements then you should know what’s in them. Not only that, but you should know what ingredients you should look for.
Rhodiola Rosea is an herbal compound used for generations in Arctic cultures for its energy and cognitive benefits. We have run across it as an ingredient in a number of nootropics, and so we decided to do some deep research into the ingredient.
We distilled the research we did into this article, breaking down what it’s good for, how people use it, and what side effects to look out for. IN addition, we also found a couple great products that already include it, Mind Lab Pro and Centrapeak. And be sure to check out the FAQs at the end of the article.
Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea
People in Northern climes have been incorporating Rhodiola into their regimens for years. Not only does Rhodiola grow in the North, but it also grows at high altitude, meaning it’s been used in Asia as well, in mountainous cultures.
For generations, users have claimed it helps with blood flow, fighting off the extremes of cold and lack of oxygen at high altitudes. In modern nootropics, it can help with mental functions, helping speed up decision making processes and helping retain short term information.
There is even some limited suggestive research that this herb can stimulate the immune system, but not enough is known about that to make definitive claims.
Mind Lab Pro, a nootropic developed with reviews from neuroscientists, claims that the addition of Rhodiola Rosea in its formula assists in all manner of mental function, with specific emphasis on the herb’s ability to help fight mental fatigue, especially during mentally taxing situations.
Centrapeak, a nootropic for men, has pointed to a study that shows demonstrable faster mental reaction times in people who are taking Rhodiola regularly.
How People Use Rhodiola Rosea
It’s probably no surprise that there are as many ways to use Rhodiola as there are cultures who would use it. What remains consistent is that people have traditionally used Rhodiola for coping with the rigors of life in harsh Winters and high mountain areas.
Many cultures have taken to eating Rhodiola raw, consuming the roots and the leaves as a pick-me-up during hikes or work days. It can also be added to any other dish where someone might eat raw vegetables.
It can also be cooked, similar to kale, spinach, or any other fibrous green vegetable. It is possible to steep it into tea or even into vodka, as is down in some regions.
Both Centrapeak and Mind Lab Pro include Rhodiola in their capsules. In these cases you would take it as you would any other supplement pill. Taking it as a nootropic gives you all of the best benefits of the herb.
Side Effects
Rhodiola Rosea has been used for centuries, and there aren’t any reported side effects that could deter most consumers. Some people report dizziness, dry mouth, or even excess saliva. There’s no data on its impact on pregnant or nursing women, and no data on how it could affect compromised systems.
In all of our research on Rhodiola we only found good things. It seems to benefit all functions of the mind, from recall to decision making, from mental focus to alertness. There are some reports that it can help with physical fatigue, but we found most of its benefits as a nootropic.
Yes, it is completely natural. In fact, it grows wild in many areas, though it can also be cultivated.
No, you do not. And both Centrapeak and Mind Lab Pro are available over the counter.
Yes, they are. By and large, many people find nootropics beneficial for focus, mental energy, and memory.
No, though you may find it difficult to find it growing in the wild, unless you live in Alpine or Arctic climates.