Finding the right supplement can make all the difference. When it comes to nootropics, finding the right one can mean better memory, faster recall, better decision making, and increased mental energy and focus. In the real world, that’s being better in business, better in your personal life, and overall feeling like the best you.
After looking into several nootropics, we came across Centrapeak, a nootropic made just for men. Not only is it formulated just for men, but it uses proven and researched ingredients to deliver the best in nootropic supplements.
What makes Centrapeak really different, though, is that it isn’t just a nootropic. While it is effective at improving mental functions, it’s also designed to help with total body wellness, including mood and male performance.
What is Centrapeak?
Some products are made for everybody, and that’s fine. But what happens with those supplements is that they’re just okay—they work for everyone, but they don’t work great for anyone.
On the other hand we have products like Centrapeak, which may not be the best for every person, but for men who want to find the edge, it might be the best thing out there.
Total Wellness
What makes Centrapeak different, what really sets it apart, is that it’s not just a nootropic. It’s also a great supplement for your whole body. This creates a positive feedback loop of benefits. As your physical body functions improve, the blood flow and oxygenation to your brain cells improves. And as your brain function improves, you find more energy and focus for physical fitness and health.
Working out better and smarter results in an even healthier body, and then the process starts to repeat. With a total wellness supplement like Centrapeak, you get mind-boosting nootropic benefits and body enhancing supplements like B vitamins and Korean Ginseng.
Mood Matters
Even when we’re taking great care of our minds and our bodies, we can sometimes hit slumps in mood. That’s natural. But that doesn’t mean we have to be okay with it. Centrapeak has included L-Tyrosine, which is a proven mood enhancer, also known as an adaptogen.
Adaptogens get their name because they help us ‘adapt’ to certain conditions. These can be physical, like Rhodiola Rosea, which we’ll talk about later. But adaptogens can also help us deal with internal, or non-physical conditions.
Key to this point, L-Tyrosine is an adaptogen that specifically helps us cope with stress. In fact, some studies have clinically shown that when taken just before a stressful situation, like speaking in public, people perform much better than people who haven’t taken L-Tyrosine.
By including Tyrosine in their formula, Centrapeak is looking out for the third phase of our total wellbeing that sometimes we overlook: mood. And that can really make all the difference. When we’re firing on all cylinders, and our mood is level, we can really find the edge and execute.
What Else is in Centrapeak?
Centrapeak uses a unique combination of vitamins and minerals, plant and nutrient extracts, and natural herbs to achieve their just-for-men nootropic. These work together to give you better focus, drive, energy, mood, and total wellness.
Vitamins and Minerals
Plant and Nutrient Extracts
Natural Herbs
How it All Works Together
By finding the right balance between essential vitamins and minerals, key extracts, and natural herbs, Centrapeak has found a formula that works on all three levels of wellness: body, mind, and mood.
It’s important to realize that these three areas also work to improve the other two. As our mood improves, we’re more likely to go out for exercise, or to take on a challenge at work. As our minds improve, we’re better able to tackle those challenges at work, and that makes us feel better, feeding into our mood.
When our mood improves we also feel better about getting in another run, or another set at the gym. And as our male health and performance improves, of course our mood will keep getting better.
Centrapeak keeps us firing in all three areas, so we can find the best balance for our goals. And it starts with their nootropic benefits. Our minds are the key, and their formula is full of researched ingredients to get us where we need to go.
How to Take Centrapeak
Their website recommends three capsules a day. Some take one capsule with each meal, some take all three at once. Centrapeak says their customers have had success with a variety of methods.
They recommend ‘cycling,’ or taking a break from the supplement every few months. This helps the body deregulate, and is recommended for many supplements and nootropics.
Centrapeak is one of the only made-for-men nootropics we’ve seen. And on top of that, it’s one of the most complete formulas we’ve seen, of any supplement, for any group. As a nootropic it hits all the marks, and the fact that it has so many applications to physical and mood health only makes it rise that much above the rest.
Right now on their website you can get a three month supply, with a free fourth month, for a flat $185. That breaks down to less than $2 a day, less than any cup of coffee we’ve seen in a while.
Yes, it is. There are no reported side effects. And Centrapeak doesn’t contain stimulants, so you don’t have to worry about that, either.
No, you don’t. And there’s nothing in Centrapeak that’s banned by any regulatory body. It’s safe and perfectly legal.
No. At least they don’t make that claim. The ingredients in Centrapeak may result in you feeling certain male boosts, but it doesn’t contain any Testosterone.
Some men feel results right away, though others find that a new nootropic can take up to a month for full benefits to set in.
Centrapeak themselves do not offer any guidance on this. Based on our research, we’ve seen these ingredients in a number of other supplements. If you have any questions about your health regarding any new supplement you should consult your doctor.